We are dedicated to teaching firearms safety and/or non-lethal skills necessary for building a foundation for personal safety and self defense.
We have instructors with qualifications from NRA, USCCA, SABRE RED, TASER and DTI that have the following certifications:
USCCA Training Counselor Conceal Carry Home Defense Fundamentals
USCCA Basic Handgun Course
USCCA Concealed Carry Course
USCCA Home Defense Course
USCCA Women's Handgun & Self Defense Course
USCCA First Aid Fundamentals
USCCA Countering the Mass Shooter Threat Course
NRA Basic Pistol Course
NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course
NRA Range Safety Course
NRA Home Firearms Safety Course
NRA Refuse to be a Victim Course
Sabre Red Pepper Spray Course
Off-Body Concealed Carry Course
Taser Civilian Training for Pulse +
The Complete Combatant Imaged Based Decision Drills
Utah Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permit Course
Laser Ammo Training on Simulator

We teach individual and group classes, call to scheduled yours now.